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Huronia Lodge Pot Luck Dec 10

WM and Brother Secretary

I would like to formally invite you and brethren of Coronation Lodge to join us on Tuesday Dec 10th at 630pm at the lodge for our annual pot luck supper.

Please bring your lady’s and or significant others as well bring a friend and their significant other you’d like to interest in Freemasonry.

This Year we will have W Bro Shawn who is on the Rameses Divan and set to be the Potentate for 2021 as a guest speaker to talk about Shriners and their hospitals.

Bring any finger foods you’d like there is no set menu can be salad, appetizers, munchies and or deserts. If everyone brings a little something there will be plenty of food to go around.

Looking forward to having many of you join us in a little fellowship and holiday cheer.



Sincerely & Fraternally

W. Bro Frederick

Worshipful Master

Huronia Lodge No. 348


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and it looks like work"

Thomas Edison

Earlier Event: December 8
Later Event: December 11
Regular Meeting