Georgian North District Masonic Association
Next meeting: Monday October 24th, 2022
Huronia Lodge No.348
Victoria Harbour
Dinner at 6:30pm meeting at 7:30pm
I will be speaking at the Masonic Association meeting coming up on Monday Oct 24th, @ 7:30 p.m. in Huronia Lodge in Victoria Harbour .
The topic is the DDGM / District Secretary processes and the value to the individual Lodges and the District as a whole. This topic and information is relevant and important to every single lodge in the District.
This talk is highly recommended for Lodge planning committees, Masters, Secretaries or the “movers & shakers” behind the lodge. Hopefully this will provide the lodges with valuable information to generate thought and discussion back at your home lodges.
Please forward this email to relevant members of your lodges and encourage them to come out and bring this info back to your lodge.
Don’t forget the pizza lunch being hosted by Huronia Lodge @ 6:30 p.m.
Hope to see you all there.
R.W. Bro. Jim