GDWA Meeting Agenda
Hosted by
Minerva Lodge No. 304, 2156 Victoria St. East, Stroud, Ontario.
Date: Tuesday 30th April 2024. Time: 7:30 pm
Call to Order: 7:30pm by Bro. Stephen National Anthem “O” Canada.
Invocation: V.W. Bro. Rory
Introduction of Members and Guests: by Bro. Stephen .
Introduction of DDGM’s: by Bro. Stephen .
Adoption of Agenda:
Reading and Confirming of Minutes:
Reading of Correspondence:
Report on Committees:
Passing of Accounts: by Bro.Treasurer Bro. John
General Motions and Elections:
Masonic Education: V.W. Bro Garry will give a talk on “Grand Lodge election Process”
For the Good of Masonry:
Attendance Report: By T.B.D
Thanking of Host Lodge: By Bro. Stephen
Adjournment: Next Meeting Thursday May 30th 2024, 7:30pm
Coronation Lodge No. 466 Elmvale
(Election Night).