Official Opening of Elmvale District High School Addition


This evening Bro. John Holt and I had the distinct pleasure of representing Coronation Lodge at the official opening of the Elmvale District High School Addition.  The addition was funded through a partnership of the Provincial Government, Municipal Government and the local community.  The addition includes a new kitchen, combined cafeteria/auditorium (affectionately called a cafatorium) and a new gymnasium.  The community has access to the use of these facilities and it is definitely a win-win for all.  Almost two years ago our Lodge raised funds through a couple of dinners for the school and we presented a cheque to the Fundraising Committee at that time.  Tonight we were honoured along with many other community partners for our assistance.


The role of the Lodge is not to be a service club, but it is equally important to be part of the community and show that we care.  Thank you to all who donated to this project.  Tonight was one of my proudest moments as a Mason.



V.W. Bro. David Don


Coronation Lodge No. 466 G.R.C., A.F. & A.M.

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