Coronation Lodge Sign Restoration and Building Improvements

The Lodge's Building Committee has been busy this summer improving and
beautifying our Lodge. Included in the work has been the addition of
composite boards to our front entranceway, installing a brick façade along
the west wall base, re-roofing the back addition and the restoration and
installation of the original Coronation Lodge electric sign.

The Coronation Lodge sign originally was on the building from the 50's up
until the renovations done in 1988. The sign was stored in the back shed
and pretty much forgotten about. It was restored by Mike, Craig
and Dave, re-lit and mounted above the entrance way and has
the saying "Happy to meet, Sorry to part, Happy to meet again" inscribed on
the rear side of the sign so that all can see it when departing the Lodge

Thank you to Mike, David and Craig along with John, his son Ryan,
Dale, Peter, Bill and Bill (my apologies if I
have missed someone) for their hard work in keeping our Lodge property

V.W. Bro. David
Coronation Lodge No. 466 G.R.C., A.F. & A.M.

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