Message from the East
I would like to start off by saying how much of an honour it was to be a part of the 25- and 50-year pin presentations we did last month. Thank you to all the brethren who came out before the meeting as well for the barbeque that was held. The barbeque raised $220 for the District Project. Also, a special thanks to V.W Bro. David and Bro. John for preparing the food that was much enjoyed by everyone. The Lodge will be hosting an information booth and display at the Elmvale Fall Fair on Friday October 7th and Saturday October 8th. Anyone wishing to help with the set-up of the booth or can spare a couple of hours to host at the display is asked to contact V.W. Bro. Bill or the Sectrtary. I am looking forward to this September’s meeting where we will be conducting a second degree for Bro. Todd . Every month we are getting some great turnouts for our work of the evening, and this month will be no exception. I look forward to seeing you all there.
NOTE: There will be two practices this month on Monday September 19th at 7:00pm, and of note, our usual Sunday practice before the meeting will be moved to Monday September 26, 2022. @ 7:00p.m
W. Bro. Craig