Georgian District's Hiram Memorial Golf Tournament
Georgian North District's D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. Fred and Bro. John welcomed six teams to the initial Georgian District's Hiram Memorial Golf Tournament, held yesterday at Bear Creek Golf Club.
A District golf tournament has not been held for 4 years due to the pandemic and was restarted due to the hard work and dedication of Bro. John. The tournament was held in the memory of V.W. Bro. Charles of Manitou Lodge No. 90 in Collingwood, who had organized the tournament for several years prior to COVID and his passing to the Grand Lodge Above. The proceeds from the tournament went to the D.D.G.M.'s District Project #2447 - Youth Outreach.
The Coronation Lodge team of W. Bro. Craig , Bro. John , Bro. Peter and myself won the tourney with a score of -4. In addition Bro. Peter won the longest drive contest with a drive of 363 yards.
Plans are in the works for next year's tourney. Big shoutout to Bro. John for all of his hard work in putting the day together.
V.W. Bro. David
Coronation Lodge No. 466 A.F. & A.M.