Message From the East
First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for having the faith to elect and install me as the Master of Coronation Lodge. I am humbled by the honour of sitting in the East in such a worthy and warranted lodge. I hope to maintain the quality of work and fellowship I’ve come to expect from our lodge. I truly believe that we have one of the best lodges in the district.
I would like to thank my father, R.W. Bro. Jim and all the brethren that participated in installing me in the East. My father and grandfather, R.W. Bro. Joe , are the reason that I joined Masonry and I hope to continue their legacy this year. I would also like to give a special thank you to V.W. Bro. Dave and V.W. Bro. Bill for their support in getting me prepared this winter.
Brethren, we have a busy year ahead of us starting off with a first degree at our June meeting. I’m also pleased to announce that our lodge is finally getting back to normal with the return of our Georgian Wardens’ Degree night in July and the Grand Lodge Officer’s night in August. I’m so happy these traditions are finally restarting post-COVID.
I would also like to see more of our brothers have the opportunity to do a piece of work during our meetings. If you would like to participate more, please let me know.
W. Bro. Aaron
Worshipful Master