Message from the East
Greetings Brethren,
What a great turn out we had for our first meeting back after our winter break. The spaghetti dinner before the lodge opened was delicious and the perfect way to kick off an excellent night. I would like to note that the spaghetti dinner raised $165 for the District Project.
Congratulations are extended to Bro. Todd on being raised to the 3rd degree. Thank you to all the officers and brethren who participated in the degree and those who came out in support of such a special evening for Bro Todd.
Our next meeting will be held April 26 th , 2023, and I invite all brethren who are able to attend. The Chair of the Finance Committee will present the Lodge’s annual budget for approval, and we will be conducting the election for the officers for the upcoming masonic year. In addition, V.W. Bro. David will be making a Masonic Education presentation. So please come out to support your lodge and officers moving forward for the future.
There will be a meeting of General-Purpose Monday April 24th @ 7:30pm. We have a strong and vibrant lodge, and I am forever thankful to be part of it.
W. Bro. Craig
Worshipful Master