Message From the East
This year has been one of the most fulfilling years of my life. The support and positivity I received from all of the Brethren, from both Coronation Lodge and others around the District, has meant the world to me. I cannot thank you enough.
Special thanks must be extended to our Secretary V.W. Bro. David, because as each Master quickly learns “No Lodge can be successful without a dedicated Secretary.” The many additional hours he performs, often behind the scenes have ensured that your Lodge remains one of the finest in our District.
At this month’s meeting we will be installing Bro. Aaron as the new Master of Coronation Lodge, as well as investing the other fine officers moving up in the Lodge.
Unfortunately, we are not able to host a banquet prior to Lodge this year, but there will be an informal reception in the downstairs banquet room at the conclusion of the meeting and all are invited to join us there.
I invite all brethren to come out and enjoy this amazing evening and support our brothers taking their chairs for the ensuing Masonic year.
W. Bro. Craig
Worshipful Master