
What a fantastic turnout for the District Deputy Grand Master’s Official Visit! We had five Masters of the District representing their lodges. The number of visitors was so impressive we had to bring our extra chairs. My congratulations go out to W. Bro. Beardwood of Karnak Lodge No. 492, who won the travelling gavel for having twelve Karnak Brothers travelling with him.

I want to congratulate our newest Fellowcraft, Bro. Aaron Moore. It was evident he worked hard, with the assistance from his mentors, in preparing for the evening. This is what Masonry is about. I also want to congratulate my officers and participating members for the work done during the degree. It was fantastic as always.

I need to thank everyone that brought a pie for our annual “Pie Night”. Pie Night raised over $400 for the Elmvale & District Food Bank’s Teen Christmas Gift Card Project.

One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of a cheque for $800 to the D.D.G.M. for his District Project, the Georgian Bay Homeless Animal Shelter. This money was raised at the two BBQ’s the Lodge hosted in the summer months.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 11 th , and it will be a double second degree for Bro. Devin Klatt and Bro. Darrell Grant. I kindly ask you attend if available to support our advancing brothers. We are now in the time where we have a good number of passings to conduct. At the same time, we still have three prospective men who are seeking masonry. It warms my heart to know we have such a growth forthcoming.

Finally, I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope that you will all enjoy your time with family and friends, stay safe and warm this winter.

Fraternally yours,

W. Bro. Warren

Worshipful Master
