Message From The East



This past month, we had a fantastic turn out from our booth at the Elmvale Fall Fair. Our list of interested initiates continues to grow, which ensures our lodge (and by extension, the craft) will continue to thrive.

A couple meetings back, we saw a father initiate his son into Masonry; last meeting we saw a son initiate his father. I’m sure it was an evening that neither Bro. Johnathon (the son) or Bro. John (his father) will ever forget.

The next meeting will be our official visit, and I am confident our Lodge will continue our stellar work. We will be bringing our D.D.G.M., R.W. Bro. Michael , under the wands to pass Bro. Aaron to the 2 nd degree. I ask all brethren in the degree to make best effort to attend the practice so we may better hone our skills to work towards that smooth, perfect ashlar.

Additionally, as this our tradition, the repast will be our pie night. If every brother could please bring a pie to share among their brothers, I’m sure it will be thankfully received and faithfully applied. Due to the holiday season our last meeting of the year will be on December 11 th, 2024, when we will be conducting a second degree for Bro. Devin.

Fraternally yours,

W. Bro. Warren

Worshipful Master
