Thank you from the Elmvale & District Food Bank
The following was received from Debra - of the Elmvale & District Food Bank.
Well Christmas 2023 is now in the books. The Elmvale & District Food Bank prepared 90 Christmas Hampers this year of which 55 included children. The volunteers worked hours (and hours) on getting everything ready for pickup/delivery on December 22nd.
Thanks to each and every sponsor, gifts for the children are taken care of. You have no idea how much we appreciate the support of the community and our sponsors.
We sometimes question why we do it. I am quoting a thank you received on December 23rd from one of our families:
“I just wanted to message and give the Food Bank, and all its volunteers and donator’s a huge thank you. I’m sure people think “this will help someone out” and “this will make a little one’s Christmas” when donating but I don’t think anyone really knows the impact it has on those on the receiving end. I was overwhelmed yesterday, with gratitude. I cried for quite a while. For my family and countless others, this really does make a huge difference and we appreciate more than some truly knows. So thank you!”
Although this is just one acknowledgement – it answers the question of why we do it!
I hope each and every one of you had a great Christmas. Once again – THANK YOU!
V.W. Bro. David
Coronation Lodge No. 466 A.F. & A.M.