Message From the East
Message From the East
I would like to thank all the brethren who came to our March meeting to celebrate Bro. Paul receiving his 25-year a Mason plaque and pin. It is always a pleasure for me to honour the accomplishments of one of our brothers. In addition, the spaghetti dinner held before Lodge raised over $350 for the Elmvale & District Food Bank.
This month is an important month for the Lodge as I am coming to the end of my term as Master and elections will be held of the next slate of officers. I would encourage every member to come out to vote on the leadership of the Lodge for the upcoming year. The next Masonic year will prove to be very busy as we will have as many as five candidates for initiation.
This month we will also be conducting the third degree for Bro. William. I hope that you all will come out and join us as we raise Bro. William to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.
W. Bro. Aaron
Worshipful Master