Message From the East


What a humbling night we had! Once again, I cannot thank my brethren enough for the trust and faith you have in my officers and myself to lead you through the next masonic year. The work from the installing officers lead by R.W. Bro. Jim was stellar. It also warmed my heart to have my gavel initially presented to me by my future partner throughout life.

I already know we have a busy year planned with six initiations (so far) to conduct. I look forward to them receiving the same warm welcome I had nine years ago. We also have a raising coming up as


R.W. Bro. Jim is trying to put a database together to determine who knows what parts of the work. I ask that you look out for his emails and help out however you are comfortable. 

For myself, I intend on using my year to encourage all our brothers to visit, to challenge themselves (even if it’s a small piece) with the work, and to continue the joie de vivre of our meetings.


W. Bro. Warren

Worshipful Master
