Message from the East

Allow me to open by congratulating R.W. Brother Michael on becoming our newest District Deputy Grand Master. I am sure he will serve the seat with dignity.  R.W. Bro. Michael will be assisted by W. Bro. Douglas, the newly appointed District Secretary.

Congratulations are also extended to Coronation Lodge member V.W. Bro. Vincent on his appointment as a Grand Steward.

Last meeting was a rare occasion where a father got to help initiate his son into masonry. Our Junior Warden, Bro. Dale, will guide our newest initiate, Bro. Aaron, through his masonic journey. 

Next, I would like to thank the Georgian District Warden’s Association. They provided the brethren to conduct the work of the evening and did so spectacularly. I would also like to thank all the brethren that attended the BBQ prior to the meeting. The BBQ raised $480 for our new D.D.G.M.’s District Project.

I remind those who are Wardens Association members to identify yourself to our secretary, so he can pass that information on. For those who are not members, a reminder that you only need be a Master Mason. Anybody who has their eyes on the east is encouraged to join. Membership is a lifetime membership.

Please join us at our August meeting as present and past Grand Lodge officers will be conducting the third degree for Bro. Tim. The Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Jamie will be attending along with many present and past Grand Lodge officers. This evening is always one of the highlights of Coronation Lodge’s Masonic year.

Fraternally yours,

W. Bro. Warren

Worshipful Master
